
The focus of missions at Open Door is to assist pastors in establishing and strengthening indigenous Bible-believing churches throughout the world. Our supported missionaries are in agreement with the doctrinal statement of Open Door. They are like-minded and willing to be co-laborers with us in Jesus Christ. Each of our missionaries provide Open Door with monthly update letters, sharing ministry updates, praises, prayer requests and ministry needs.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19 (NKJV)
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Missions Conference

The purpose of our missions conference is to get to know our missionaries personally and to recruit our church members to get involved in our missions program.

Beginning the first Sunday of October we meet together for great preaching, fellowship, and prayer. Some of the highlights include our Flag Ceremony, International Dinner, Ladies Luncheon, and scheduled sightseeing trips with our international guests. Open Door members have the opportunity to invite missionaries over for dinner and other activities.

Missions Trips

When one goes, we all go

All church members are encouraged to travel on short-term missions trips. If you cannot go to the field, we recommend you participate in assisting others to go, through prayer, planning, finances and encouragement. This is why we have adopted the phrase, “When one goes, we all go.”

While visiting our missionaries on the field, members use their talents and spiritual gifts to help the missionaries strengthen their local church (1 Corinthians 4:12).

We work alongside our missionaries as co-laborers to win the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to build disciples (Luke 24:47).

By working together, we seek to establish personal relationships between our church members and our missionaries. This enables us to fervently pray for the needs on the mission field (Matthew 9:37-38).

Past examples of service on the missions field include Bible training, seminars, evangelism, medical clinics, VBS camps, construction and building projects, and orphan assistance.

Orphans Christmas Tree

Every year in December, we collect monetary donations to provide orphan children in Haiti, India, Kenya and Uganda with the gift of clothing, shoes and other supplies.

Special ornaments are available with a donation to the project. It’s always exciting to see how many people contribute every year to this meaningful and tangible way to show Christ’s love to orphans.

Project Offerings

Another way we are able to contribute to missions is through annual project offerings. In addition to providing monthly support for our missionaries, project offerings are a great way to help our missionaries with one-time needs. We have provided funds for larger projects such as purchases of land, church construction, transportation, and audio/visual equipment.