
Pastoral Transition: Frequently Asked Questions

Dear Open Door Church family,

We thank you for taking the time to prayerfully review this FAQ page. It is our heartfelt prayer that it addresses questions you may have regarding Pastor Bill Finnerty’s retirement and the upcoming transition process.  We love you and are deeply grateful for the privilege of serving alongside each one of you.


The Pastoral Staff & Deacon Board


1. What prompted Pastor Bill’s decision to retire?2024-10-21T18:42:16+00:00

Under the Holy Spirit’s direction, Pastor Bill felt it was time to retire.

Please see the attached video.

2. How did you come to the decision to have Pastor Paul be the next Senior Pastor?2024-10-16T15:22:31+00:00

In 2013 when Open Door was considering a new Sr. Pastor, Pastor Paul was considered at that time.

Pastor Bill looked at our current pastors (Paul, T-Bear, Jonathan, Tommy) and after prayer and consideration believed Pastor Paul to be the most qualified.

Pastor Bill then brought that to the pastors and the deacon board.

3. Does Pastor Paul feel called to the position of Senior Pastor? And if so, why?2024-10-16T15:23:02+00:00

Yes! In the summer of 1997, as we were driving down to Liberty University to finish my degree, the Lord put a strong burden on our hearts for the people of Open Door Baptist Church.  Over the years that passion and burden from the Lord has only increased.  I am so humbled that the Lord would call us to this new position of service, to the praise and glory of His name.

4. What is the long-term vision for the church, and what changes can we expect under Pastor Paul’s leadership?2024-10-16T15:23:42+00:00

The purpose of Open Door Baptist Church remains the same.  “Making disciples through Christ love at work within us.”  Our vision is together we will continue to grow in maturity to be like Christ, and together we will train our people with the heart to carry out the great commission of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

5. Have you considered forming a search committee for our next pastor, in which Pastor Paul could submit his resume?2024-10-16T15:24:18+00:00

Pastor Bill believes that we have four qualified pastors at Open Door Baptist Church, all of whom love the people of Open Door and are called to serve them.  Therefore, he saw great benefit to look within the church.

6. How can the church best pray for and support Bill and Diane Finnerty, Paul and Tabitha St. Denis, and the pastors as a whole?2024-10-16T15:24:55+00:00

First, please pray for unity and we seek to honor the Lord in decisions large and small. No change is easy, especially one with such a significant impact on our community.

Pray for the future. Only the Lord knows what the future looks like, and it is our desire to never step in front of the Lord, but to follow his promptings.

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

7. Will there be opportunities for congregational input and feedback during the transition process?2024-10-16T15:25:36+00:00

Yes.  Please reach out to your deacon or any pastoral staff members.  We look forward to dialogue.

Contact us in person or online: https://www.opendoorchili.org/about/staff/

Members, please be sure to pick up your ballot in person and vote from October 20, 2024 – November 3, 2024.

8. What is the process for installing a new Senior Pastor?2024-10-16T15:26:08+00:00

The ODBC Constitution, Article V – Selections and Appointments, Section 1 – The Calling of a Pastor states:

  • The pastor(s), agreeing wholeheartedly with the church’s Statement of Faith and Doctrinal Position and this Constitution shall be called for an indeterminate term.
  • Notice of the proposed choice of the election. Which shall be given from the pulpit for two (2) successive Sundays preceding the election, which shall be at any regularly or specially called business meeting for such purpose. The minimum affirmative vote for the issuance of a call shall be 75% of all ballots cast.
9. What is the method and procedure of voting for Pastor Paul to become the next Senior Pastor?2024-10-16T15:27:03+00:00

All church members are requested to cast their anonymous vote beginning October 20, 2024, and ending at 12:45 pm on Sunday, November 3 according to the following schedule:

  • Sunday, October 20: beginning at 11:15 am.
  • Week of October 21: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 12:00 to 1:00 pm, Wednesday: 11:00 to 12:00 pm and 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
  • Sunday, October 27: 9:00 to 9:30 am, 10:30 to 11:00 am, and 12:15 to 12:45 pm.
  • Week of October 28: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 12:00 to 1:00 pm, Wednesday: 11:00 to 12:00 pm and 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
  • Sunday, November 3: 9:00 to 9:30 am, 10:30 to 11:00 am, and 12:15 to 12:45 pm.

To vote:

  1. Member names will be checked off when ballots are picked up.
  2. Mark “Approve” or “Disapprove.”
  3. Place your ballot in the locked ballot box.
  4. The church will be notified of the results by email on Monday, November 4


1. Will there be opportunities for the congregation to express their gratitude and appreciation to Pastor Bill and Diane?2024-10-16T15:27:47+00:00

We encourage you to reach out to Pastor Bill and Diane individually over the coming months. Share your memories with them, send a card, or give them a call.

2. What is the timeline for the transition?2024-10-16T15:28:15+00:00

The transition will begin once the church has approved it through a positive vote on Monday, November 4th. Effective immediately, Senior Pastor Bill and Senior Pastor Elect Paul will share pastoral responsibilities.

On April 6, 2025, Pastor Paul will be installed as the Senior Pastor during a special ceremony.

3. When is Pastor Bill’s last day? Will he remain at Open Door after the transition?2024-10-16T15:28:50+00:00

Pastor Bill’s final day on staff will be April 6, 2025. He will always be deeply loved and remain an integral part of the Open Door family. As he and Diane step into the next chapter of their life and ministry, a significant part of their hearts will forever be with Open Door.

4. Will there be a formal ceremony or service to mark the passing of the mantle of Senior Pastor?2024-10-16T15:29:21+00:00

Yes, on April 6, 2025, a special service will take place.


1. If Paul becomes the next Senior Pastor, then who will take on the role of Assistant Pastor?2024-10-16T15:29:54+00:00

We have a great team of pastors and deacons who work together to prayerfully oversee all the spiritual and physical needs of the church.

2. Who will take over Pastor Paul’s current responsibilities such as outreach and building projects?2024-10-16T15:30:33+00:00

Our pastoral team is praying and looking over all the ministries of the church to see who is best gifted to handle these responsibilities.

3. Will we be hiring another pastor?2024-10-16T15:31:09+00:00

We will begin looking for a Pastor or Director of the Children’s Ministry. As we transition, Pastor T-Bear will be maintaining most of his current administrative responsibilities along with assuming some of Pastor Paul’s current responsibilities.

4. Should we anticipate additional staffing changes and if so, when?2024-10-16T15:31:55+00:00

The transition process, along with any additional staff changes, will commence following a positive vote from the church.

While this new change necessitates some changes in staff structure, it will not affect the practical implementation of their ministries.

5. How will the transition affect ongoing church programs and services? Will there be any changes to church operations or administration?2024-10-16T15:32:24+00:00

There are no anticipated changes.


1. How will this affect the 2025 budget?2024-10-16T15:32:53+00:00

The proposed 2025 budget will be presented on November 10 in our business meeting following the 11:00AM service.

2. What about a compensation package for Pastor Bill? Retirement gift?2024-10-16T15:33:20+00:00

Pending budget approval, Pastor Bill’s salary and benefits will continue through the end of 2025.

The proposed 2025 budget will be presented on November 10 in our business meeting following the 11:00AM service.

3. Who will preach and teach if Pastor Paul is not available?2024-10-16T15:33:54+00:00

Fortunately, we have a staff that loves the Lord, His word, and has an interest in scriptural study and teaching.  T-Bear, Jonathan, and Tommy are all available.

4. What percentage of the church must vote yes for Pastor Paul to be approved?2024-10-16T15:34:25+00:00

75% of all ballots cast.

5. What if I don’t agree with the process or the decision? What should I do?2024-10-16T15:34:56+00:00

We encourage each of you to take time and bring this decision before the Lord in prayer. We understand this is a very personal choice, which is why we’ve made the voting process anonymous.

You are entitled to vote Approve or Disapprove, and rest assured, whatever the outcome, God is in control.

Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

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